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The world wants you to go fast.
I am inviting you to slow down.
Go slow to feel.
Feel to open.
Open to receive.
is a body-based writing class for women to explore their sexuality & desires in a safe and encouraging environment.
What women are saying...
"In the very first class, my fear became my freedom." –Mandi
“Anita, you are a master key - the unlocker of repressed erotic energies.” —Muna
“This class is a shame composting machine.” —Katie
The expression of my sexuality and desire has become like a big, juicy rose exploding. I highly recommend this class to everyone on the planet. —M.K.
“To witness the transformation in myself and every woman here is extraordinary. This course, is shorthand, for coming alive in your erotic body. We went from zero to every woman here completely turned on, engaged, and creating.” –Jody
“Embody Erotica pressed up against my edges in the BEST way. This class has been a safe place to playfully grow into a new sense of freedom and liberation in owning and claiming my desires.” –Cara
“I felt so much permission and safety in your container. Your desire to connect women to their own desires is like creating this brand new space—this is what women-led desire feels like and it’s so refreshing and beautiful.” - Jules
“Anita took me into that dreamy long forgotten place where imagination is born. The act of writing from the loins launched me into a deep excavation of the connection between sexuality and creativity by spelunking right into the juiciness of arousal. And just like that, I found myself creatively reset. Part of me doesn’t want to recommend this course, the part that is selfishly attached to this experience being the best-kept secret of LA’s strange and fantastical writing world. —Muna
“In the very first class, something opened up for me. I took back my voice in a way that I hadn't before. It's still sinking deeper into my body and I'm seeing where this new embodiment of my own voice is showing up in all these different aspects of my life.” –Kat
Why Embody Erotica?
be an expression of or give a visible form to
literature or art intended
to arouse sexual desire.
As far as I can tell, women are walking erotica. In this class, we will shake off outdated conditioning and explore desire, fantasy and the reality of what you want & how to ask for it.
Through the writing and reading of erotica, women open up their voices, turn on their lives, and feel their bodies. We practice simple somatic drop-in exercises to turn toward ourselves and then share our writing with each other to be in connection with other women.
I once watched a TedTalk that said that when women get together and talk about sex, on average everyone's sex drive increases by 17%. I created this class so that women can come to get filled up on electric connection and take that turn-on home to their partners, lovers, work, and purpose.
I'm committed to creating a deeply accepting and safe space for women to explore this essential aspect of life and this vulnerable and exciting art form. Apply if you are ready to open up and feel more.
What women are saying...
In the first session I released terror and it blasted open my creative center. I’ve softened my limiting beliefs about what’s possible in regard to real pleasure and real desire. I get to have it all, the creativity of desire, the depth of connection, the intimacy with my partner, and the intimacy with myself.” —Melissa K.
“I was excited to start erotic writing, but what I ended up exploring is how I can connect my sex energy to my heart, my power, and my spirit. I didn't even realize that it was something that I wanted or needed. It ended up being so much bigger than just writing from those places, but actually, connecting to those places inside me.” –Harley
“Anita has a way of holding women’s desire with such tender, loving, attuned care and witness that it has no choice but to blossom. This class has been so empowering, so awakening, so enlivening and I feel a deeper connection to not only the women in the group, but with myself and with what I want.” –Carla
“During these past 5 weeks, my erotic energy has become this flower. It's this thing that I have a relationship with and I want to tend to and get to know and explore. For me, my erotic energy is so linked to my connection to the divine and it feels so beautiful.” –Katherine
Anita has a gentle way of inviting the deepest, most sensual parts of us to flourish and express erotica as art. She creates a safe and beautiful space for each of us in the class to connect with ourselves and each other. Erotica play was freeing in so many ways and so much fun. I left each class feeling lighter and giddy. I would take the class again and again. —Fatima
“I knew I had to do this class, because of how much resistance and fear I felt. I’ve been really working to understand my sexuality, what it looks like, and what actually turns me on—and I got to do it through creative exploration. I liked writing from the perspective of different genders and I felt so much turn on inside myself, without a partner present, without the desire to please anyone. It’s been fascinating how much opening I’ve received from this class.” - J.M.
“I asked myself, how do I heal sexual trauma–and I just heard this whisper… pleasure. I had no concept that I could heal in this way, but now I’m seeing how possible it is to do that.” –Participant
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